Run to the Rock When Life Causes You to Faint in Psalm 61

Run to the Rock When Life Causes You to Faint in Psalm 61

I remember vividly when I was thirteen, and it was time to have my tonsils removed. Doctors required that I was perfectly healthy before surgery. All was going well. I was in tip top shape. Then they allowed me to come to the hospital, took my blood, and performed other pre-operation tests before admitting me. Again, I was feeling great. Perfectly healthy.

Until they took blood from me.

And somehow, this strapping young thirteen-year-old young man fainted. I felt sick. Upon arrival, all was well. Then, they got a hold of me, and I felt awful.

“Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint.” Psalm 61:1-2

Loss resembled my experience having my tonsils removed. I know there’s no comparison, but I was perfectly fine until that day. I had no worries in life. Life with Kim was sweet and fulfilling. Our ministry, family, and especially our relationship was great.

Then, loss hit me, and my heart fainted.

To be instantly in need, gives birth to cries to God. If you’re wise, you’ll turn to God in the heat of the battle and wait.

“Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy.” Psalm 61:2-3

We always need to recognize our dependence upon God, and we need to be suspicious of our own strength. However, in the heat of the battle and in the pain of the loss you need to run to a rock and refuge. You need to exit any attempt at self-help or self-sufficiency and head for the strong tower. David requests permission to stay in God’s tent. There are times in life you need to retreat. David presses in under the shelter of the wings of his God.

Don’t try to stand in your own strength. It’s useless. Surrender and retreat into his presence and wait.

“For you, O God, have heard my vows; you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.” Psalm 61:5

It’s important always to remember the covenant you’re a part of, but it’s especially important during brokenness that is up close and personal. Rehearse your heritage. Your God has made vows to you, and you’ve made vows to your God. Eternal salvation is yours! Press in under his wings of salvation—that eternal refuge and tower—and wait upon him.

This is your heritage, your inheritance. You’ve surrendered to the God and King of your life. You’ve made your allegiance known. You’ve feared and respected his name. Now rest in that powerful position and in his unchanging truth.

“Prolong the life of the king; may his years endure to all generations! May he be enthroned forever before God…” Psalm 61:6-7

The kingdom of David is everlasting because Jesus is our rock, refuge, tower, and wings. Stand on this fact of faith. Jesus, and the salvation he provides, endures to all generations. Forever. Immutable truth. He has appointed his steadfast love and faithfulness to watch over this kingdom.

In that light, I can stand in confidence even in the face of loss that buckles my knees and causes me to faint. Spontaneously, I break out in worshipful song, and I walk in loyal obedience to my good, loving, and protecting Rock.

“…appoint steadfast love and faithfulness to watch over him! So will I ever sing praises to your name, as I perform my vows day after day.” Psalm 61:7-8


  1. Lynn

    Thanks for your encouraging words. This week marks 2 years since Carol’s home going

    • D. Ray Davis

      Lynn, I still pray every day for you! Press on and let me say, well done, walking faithfully on this journey these two years.

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