From Deep Mire to Steadfast Love in Psalm 69

From Deep Mire to Steadfast Love in Psalm 69

“Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me. I am weary with my crying out; my throat is parched. My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God.” Psalm 69:1-3

Loss feels like water up to your neck and mire that is deep. Even though the floodwaters rise, your throat is parched from the constant crying out. During loss you cry out for salvation, but your eyes grow dim from the waiting. Loss feels like a drowning and dying of thirst at the same time.

“O God, you know my folly; the wrongs I have done are not hidden from you.” Psalm 69:5

Loss also reveals your weaknesses. Or more correctly, you recognize that your wrongs or your follies are not hidden. And they never were hidden. He knows you. He knew you before the loss or pain, and he knows you in your broken state.

“When death comes, life is examined.” H. Norman Wright, Experiencing Grief

Conviction renews your purpose and your influence. You do not want to put others to shame. You do not want to bring dishonor to others. Zeal for God’s house consumes you, once again. This humbling, debilitating moment has marked you.

“But as for me, my prayer is to you, O Lord. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness.” Psalm 69:13

David renews his commitment. He turns to God in prayer. He knows—he trusts—God will answer in keeping with his promised steadfast love. He will deliver him from the mire, the deep waters, his enemies, the floods, and the pit. David rehearses God’s goodness by considering the steadfast love and abundant mercy of the Lord. He asks God not to turn his face away. In distress, he seeks a quick answer in the form of nearness to his soul and redemption of his soul.

David gives us a glimpse of the eternal answer to our prayer for steadfast love and abundant mercy—a suffering, redeeming Savior who will be given poison for food and sour wine to drink.

However, those who oppose him will be entrapped and ensnared. Their eyes will be darkened as they tremble. Judgment is coming, and desolation awaits them. They will be blotted out of the book of the living.

“But I am afflicted and in pain; let your salvation, O God, set me on high! I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.” Psalm 69:29-30

From a place of brokenness, we see a day when we are set on high. And even in our place of pain we sing out a song to magnify our God with thanksgiving. This adoration is better than any sacrifice to the heart of God.

“When the humble see it they will be glad; you who seek God, let your hearts revive.” Psalm 69:32

This testimony of trust under duress attracts others. They see it, and they are glad. They seek God, and their hearts are revived. God has grace sufficient for every needy soul. His mercies are available to all who humble themselves and seek him.

In response, David calls on all creation to praise our God. God has made a way of escape, a way of salvation. He has made a place in his church—and in heaven—for all who love him.

“Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas and everything that moves in them. For God will save Zion and build up the cities of Judah, and people shall dwell there and possess it; the offspring of his servants shall inherit it, and those who love his name shall dwell in it. Psalm 69:34-36


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